The EU is notifying Belize, Cambodia, Fiji, Guinea, Panama, Sri Lanka, Togo, and Vanuatu that they are considered to be possible non-cooperating third countries, with regard to illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing. The notifications are based on these countries consistent failures  to cooperate and to enforce measures against IUU vessels operating under their flag, failure to implement international rules set by RFMOs and being engaged in trade in products of IUU fishing. The decision follows the findings of missions conducted by the EU in several third countries. Factors leading to the EU's decision were refusal to enter into dialogue with the EU, lack of action to address established shortcomings, existence of deficiencies in monitoring, control and surveillance of fisheries, and the existence of flags of convenience. This is the first step towards listing the countries as non-cooperating, and could lead to subsequent denial of access to the EU market for fishery products, banning vessels from EU ports, and prohibition of vessels purchase by EU nationals should they not address their failures.


TAGS: sustainable, fisheries, fishing, fish, EU, IUU fishing,blaclklisting by EU